Vision & Mission - Flaming Silver

Vision & Mission



  • FLAMING SILVER has as there vision :
  • Total client satisfaction
  • Total reliability
  • Quality workmanship with exceptional service
  • Keeping abreast with technical projects in our field
  • Managing every project cost effectively
  • Motivating our staff and encouraging their development
  • Providing ongoing training for all our staff
  • Keeping our clients informed of our developments
  • Remaining committed to the principals of the reconstruction and development program
  • Empowering sections of the unemployment with free training sessions.
  • Being actively involved in social responsibility and programs in the community.



  • To provide our clients with the highest quality of workmanship possible and other professional services relating to the success of our emerging contractors.
  • In order to promote improved and sustainable quality of life for all, especially disadvantage communities, while at all times subscribing to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.